Senin, 09 Juni 2008

HNMUN 2009 - UGM delegation selection

Dear reader, me and my UGMNMUN ( Universitas Gadjah Mada National Model United Nations ) 2008 team are about to handle a delegation selection for Harvard National Model United Nations 2009 in a really near term. this is part of our responsibility find nobody but the best to represent UGM in the world most prestigious Model UN Conference.

provided below are some important details.

Faculty of Economics and Business
June 16th & 17th 2008
06.30 P.M. - 08.30 P.M.

Faculty of Economics and Business
June 19th, 2008
08.00 A.M - onward

interview phase:
1. writing skills.
we expect you to write your thought in 15 minutes allocated time we provide. You are not allowed to bring any materials during this test. we will provide laptops for this test.
2. personality interview
3. Focus Group Discussion

Subjects for Interview :
1. Transnational Organized Crime
2. Women Education and Participation

we will provide subject guidelines at the registration point, But i suggest you to do your own research on those topics. it will be advantageous.

as you can see from publication (you could find it at public spots around UGM), we only choose 10 of the greatest applicants. so, get prep!

*need more information on HNMUN? try to look my previous post. Still need more? do your research now..!!!*

3 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

Mas Rizal.. nanya dunk..

Untuk daftar calon delegasi nya perlu syarat apa aja?? akademis??

thanks sblumnya..

Ary Sandhiko mengatakan...

Mas Rizal,,tanya yo!!

1. Ada syarat TOEFL ga??
coz english ku masih eror abies neh,, hehehe

2. yg nyeleksi nanti sapa?

3.topic yang Transnational Organized Crime and Women Education and Participation itu buat personality interview atau group discussion?? trus boleh milih apa piye?

sekian,,best regret..

Unknown mengatakan...

yah eman2 aku ga terlalu baca announcementnya..ketinggalan d..huks :(